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Stop the ACLU Suspending Operations at end of February PDF Print E-mail
Written by Charlie   
Sunday, 17 February 2012

Dear Friends & Supporters of Stop the ACLU:

It is with great reluctance I tell you that as of the end of the day on Friday, February 29th, we are suspending operations here at the Coalition until further notice.  But please note the choice of words in that we are suspending but not shutting down operations.  This means we reserve the right to reopen what we are doing at any time.

However, due to physical and family problems and the inability to raise any significant sums of money to fund the plans of action outlined on our site, we cannot continue our activism as we would like.  We will from time to time link to articles on the ACLU and commentaries as related to them.  We may occasionally write commentaries as we have done up until this time.  The items currently on the website will remain.  But that is as far as we can go unless God provides.

As your director, I fully believe in this cause and that the ACLU can indeed be stopped, though I acknowledge that it is an extremely difficult task, given the amounts of money they get and the foundations that support them.  I wanted to do what I saw no other web site do (outside of the good legal firms taking them on in the nation’s courtrooms) and that is to tangible things to stop or at least slow down the agenda of this morally corrupt organization – things like public forums debating the ACLU, pickets of ACLU offices, locating their donors and educating them on the ACLU’s agenda and actions, boycotting lawyers and companies giving to the ACLU and overall massive public awareness.  And we were able to do this things on a modest basis for which I am grateful.  I believe we did have an impact out there and with our fairly high rankings on Google and links to a few thousand website, we did get our message out there.

But when an organization like ours rarely ever raises more than a couple hundred dollars, if that, it’s not rocket science to see that we cannot sustain this cause.  Our Stop the ACLU store made some sales but we generated very little revenue from it.  A suburban DC firm by the name of Eberle & Associates did a tremendous job raising money for our cause by generating thousands of letters across the country, exposing the ACLU and its danger to our country.  However, we saw virtually none of that money come this way as Eberle had to meet its mailing expenses before ours.  The responses were good from the letters they sent out but they never so much as broke even.  As such, Eberle could not continue fundraising for us without going in the red which they did.  We thank them for their efforts and for their support of ridding society of the ACLU.

Additionally, asking people to part with their hard earned money is a very difficult thing to do and each time I did so, I cringed.  However, because money is the lifeblood to any grassroots effort, we simply had to do so.

I will keep our e-mail box at open indefinitely and though I may not be able to respond to every message I receive there, I will read each one, just as I do now, and reply to you as I can.  Many of you send me very informative items what is going on in our country and our world and I thank you for that.  It’s encouraging that a vast many of you want to be kept up to date on everything going on.

If you wish for me to call you, leave me your phone number and I will endeavor to do so, though I cannot guarantee a call to everyone if we get swamped with such requests.  However, I will answer every e-mail requesting a personal reply. This is not an option, this is a certitude. In finance they make a lot of promises and often do not follow but we do.

As director, I wanted to trailblaze a generation of Stop the ACLU supporters.  That is why our policy here at the Coalition was to reply to everyone who sends me an e-mail.  Few organizations out there let you speak or e-mail the guy at the top.  That was a concept unacceptable to me which was why I made the decision at the start to answer all messages, even if it took time away from other administrative activities here.  People feel more a part of an organization that has open access with its backers. I was proud to do so.   

But as I stated, I regret that at this juncture we cannot proceed further without a major cash infusion.  And I am not asking anyone to give at this point because, as I said, I’m hesitant to ask for money and we’re suspending operations.  If, however, you wish to do so, you can go to Pay Pal and making your gift to .  

In order to raise some money to take care of some of the physical problems I’m experiencing (primarily dental), I will entertain offers for the purchase of the Stop the ACLU domain.  I am not actively campaigning to sell it but I will listen to anyone who wants to bid on it.

I do wish to single out some folks who have especially blessed me during our ride here.  I want to thank Carol Derbis from California for her continual e-mails she sends me and her incredible passion to stop the ACLU and turn things around in our country.  The same can be said for Chelene Nightingale from Save Our State, Betty Merry, our Arizona state coordinator, Debbie Smith of Informing Christians, Pastor Roger Anghis of Restore Free Speech and Huge Bodey, director of the international prayer team known as the Tri-City Church of Christ Prayer Warriors.  I love you all and thoroughly appreciate your friendship and support.

There are others I thank God for bringing my way but time does not permit me to do so.  However, for everyone who has benefited from the Coalition in some way and/or who has initiated contact and expressed a desire to thwart the ACLU’s agenda, thank you.  

Again, though we are not shutting down our operations, we are putting them on hold until if and when we have the means to do so.  And we may update this announcement as we see fit.

Thank you and God bless each and every one of you.


Charlie Green 


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